Microprocessor advanced Architectures and Design Metodologies. First Biennal Meeting of the C.M.U. on Micro – Computers and their application
Education and Application of Computer Technology. Second Biennal Meeting of the C.M.U. on Micro – Computers and their application
Atti della terza Assemblea Plenaria della Comunità delle Università Mediterranee, Malta, 10-11 giugno 1988
Jean Olivier, Liure de plusieurs plans des ports &rades de la MerMediterranee et de l’Ocean, avecles villes et forts,les sondes marquees par brasses de conq pied le tout exactement tirez par l’observation des triangles
Education and Application of Computer Technology. Third Biennal Meeting of the C.M.U. on Micro – Computers and their application