April 15, 2020

- April 17, 2020

International Conference: Women in Academia, University of Jordan Amman (Jordan), 15-17 April/2020

Investing in women in adacemia, this conferecne is orgnaized in the context of the status,
the rights, and the challenges that women encountered in academia in Jordanian
universities. This conference is organized by the Association of Jordanian Women in
cooperation with the University of Jordan.
The Association of Jordanian Academics was founded on May 7, 2014 by a group of
Jordanian women academics representing a wide range of Jordanian public and private
universities. It aspires to bring Jordanian women academics to a prestigious and a
professional level that enables them to bring about change and development to serve their
community, to promote scientific research to higher levels, and to support higher levles of
participation in decsion making at all levles of their academic institutions .

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