In collaboration with its partners, Genopole, France’s leading biopark, is organizing the fourth edition of its competition for biotech startups focused on the environment, agronomy and/or industry (excluding the medical sector).
This year, the competition is placed under the auspices of three French Ministries: Research, Industrial Renewal and Ecology and is sponsored by Chimex. A first prize worth € 90k will be awarded as well as two special worth € 45k.
The competition is intended for project holders or young startups looking to develop an innovation in these sectors. The laureate(s) will receive grants and/or services to aid the launch of their activities or the pursuit of their project development.
Genopole and its partners seek to favor the convergence of biotech innovations by regularly bringing together business creators, R&D leaders and economic stakeholders from France and the world over.
• September 30, 2014 at 16h : Closure of submission period
• November 2014 : Training seminar for preselected candidates “The path of business creator”
• December, 2014 : Laureate(s) named at awards ceremony led by Genopole in Paris