Puglia: Pass Laureati – Voucher per la formazione post-universitaria – Avviso 2-FSE-2020 per Master post lauream di I e II livello

In continuità con le precedenti edizioni dell’Avviso pubblico, Pass Laureati 2020 sostiene l’innalzamento dei livelli di competenze, di partecipazione e di successo formativo nell’istruzione universitaria o equivalente. Regione Puglia sostiene così i giovani laureati pugliesi che vogliono frequentando un Master post lauream in Italia o all’estero, finanziandolo totalmente o parzialmente con voucher formativi. Obiettivo dell’intervento è […]

Cmu’s Assembly 2019

The Council and the Assembly of the Community of Mediterranean Universities (CMU) will convene in Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) in Famagusta, North Cyprus, on 25th October, 2019.

Call for Nomination Opened for the UNESCO-Japan Prize on ESD

Dear Colleagues, The UNESCO-Japan Prize on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) was established by the Executive Board at its 195th session, and officially announced at the UNESCO World Conference on ESD (10-12 November, Aichi-Nagoya, Japan). The first edition of the Prize is now launching a call for nominations. The Prize honours outstanding efforts of individuals, […]

Competition for Biotech Startups in the Environmental, Agronomic and Industrial sectors

In collaboration with its partners, Genopole, France’s leading biopark, is organizing the fourth edition of its competition for biotech startups focused on the environment, agronomy and/or industry (excluding the medical sector).This year, the competition is placed under the auspices of three French Ministries: Research, Industrial Renewal and Ecology and is sponsored by Chimex. A first […]

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